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Why I started a blog

A brief description of my motivations


Starting my own blog has always been a fascinating idea, but I’ve also had my fair share of doubts. Living in this busy world, I’ve felt this strong urge to share things that I think could benefit others. After all, I’ve been a big fan of learning from others’ experiences and knowledge.

I’ve also had this nagging feeling of wanting to give back to the people who have influenced me. It’s like a debt of gratitude that keeps pushing me towards this new adventure.

Now, as I sit down to write these words, I’m feeling more confident than ever. I want to share what’s driving me and why I believe this is the perfect time to start. It’s a way for me to pay it forward, just like the generous strangers who’ve taken the time to share their wisdom and contribute to our collective knowledge.

Why a blog ?

I have all sorts of reasons for deciding to start a blog.


As I mentioned, I’ve learned so much from the knowledge others have shared, and that’s a big part of why I decided to start this blog. The idea of making a positive impact on the world by helping others excites me. It’s going to require a lot of time and courage, but I’m willing to take that leap because I’m confident it will lead to something good.

Personal Branding

Let’s face it, most of our actions are driven by self-interest, and I’m no exception. One of my key motivations for starting this blog is personal branding.

Human interactions have always had an element of self-interest. It’s like saying, I want you to trust me so you might consider doing business with me. There’s no shame in admitting that, and it’s entirely legitimate to have such a goal.

For me, it’s a real motivator, and I see it as the significant return on investment for the time and energy I’m putting into this.

Self discipline

I’ll be honest; self-discipline is what’s driving me to start this blog. When you use it the right way, it’s like the secret sauce for success. But, if you don’t handle it properly, it can lead you down a personal rabbit hole that’s tough to climb out of without some serious self-reflection.

I’ve gone through tons of articles, videos, and audiobooks, all trying to crack the code of self-discipline. And guess what? It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a simple truth: Action.

We all dream of that amazing life that seems like a slice of heaven, but very few of us actually make meaningful moves in that direction. Recognizing this, I’ve decided to embrace this blog as my way of keeping myself on track and sharing my journey with the world. My goal? To stay committed to self-discipline, achieve what I’ve set out to do, and make a positive impact on our community.

Build & Lead a community

Building a community is a challenging yet fascinating endeavor, one that I’m considering for several compelling reasons:

  • My Leadership Experience: Throughout my professional journey, I’ve consistently assumed leadership roles and effortlessly rallied individuals around common goals.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: Leading a community presents a unique opportunity to disseminate valuable knowledge effectively. It allows me to share insights and information with a broader audience.
  • Sense of Responsibility: Building a community is akin to nurturing a family for which I’m accountable. This inherently instills a strong sense of self-discipline and motivates me to consistently present the best version of myself.

What’s my plan?

Real experiences and events

My blog will be a no-nonsense space. I’m committed to sharing only genuine experiences, along with the real thoughts I’ve gathered during my personal and professional journey.

I’m willing to share only real experiences, with real thoughts I made during my personal and professional journey.


I’m setting a goal to post every week. This commitment isn’t just to myself but to you as well, my present and future readers.


Describing the happiness I feel while writing this inaugural post is a challenge in itself. It’s the culmination of countless days spent studying a new language, acquiring knowledge, engaging in discussions with experts, and navigating through a series of life events that have shaped the person I am today.

I’m determined to keep the promises I’ve made here, and my hope is that with each new post, you’ll discover something valuable. Your feedback and thoughts are integral contributions to our collective knowledge.

So, in advance, thank you for taking the time to read my contributions.

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